Sunday, December 2, 2012

Class Review

It's been a long semester full of new experiences in movie production and producing. Learning the basic steps from coming up with an idea, putting it on paper, and then to the camera. This class has shown me all the steps I needed to take to ever consider making a movie.

The hardest part to me was the actual filming. Filming was the most difficult because when it came down to actually filming, many things wouild go either wrong or we wouldn't have enough time to get what we needed. As far as actually clicking the record button, this was fun and I loved seeing the actors through the lens of a camera.

My favorite part though would have to be editing. Editing is very time consuming and can keep you at it for hours with no sleep, no food, and a mind that is racing through the best imagination that you could ever have. Having time to edit is also a headache but to me wasn't bad if it were just me editing.

Working with my groups, once I had one, was very fun and we worked well together. The second group I was apart of worked well together as well, even though we had many different schedules including, weddings, school, work, and theater plays. We were still able to sit down and discuss everything we needed for this to work.

My favorite film to work on was definetly "Na Luz Do Luar", simply because we had the pre-production finished before we began filming. Having everything in place sped things up once it came to filming and editing. We learned alot from the first movie "3 Blind Mice" and we tired to incorperate it as we moved on.

I'm excited to see what I will take away from this class as I persue new ideas and movies in the future. The training from this class has shaped me into a better fim producer, film director, and photography director. This is something I could see myself doing for a while.

iPhones vs. Androids

It hasn't been a long time that we have had smart phones circulating through our cultures. Smart phones were almost only used by buisnesses to help keep their employees on top of what needed to be done. With the upcoming iPhones and Androids, life almost seems non-existant to us without one, but why? These devices are made to simplify our lives and keep memory of task and things we need to do. Which is better for you though?

For the past eleven years I've had a cell phone and constantly used it. Back then there wasn't things like Facebook or social media. All I had was a phone that could sometimes get signal and handheld calculator. Oh did I forget to mention the never ending Snake game? This is what I remember cell phones being like. I've always wanted the newest technology so when the camera phones came out, I had to have one. Then the first touch phone. I knew I had to have that as well. As time progressed I got more and more used to using my phone for all the abilities it could handle. I fell in love with the new era, Smart Phones.

Okay, okay, smart phones used to be blackberrys and windows phones. These phones helped most buisnesses afloat by keeping their employees together. Long after this the iPhone was born. iPhone was sleak, sharp, and only available on AT&T. As for many of you in rual or not so big cities, AT&T was not an option. We were stuck with All-Hell(Alltel). When google announced that they were releasing a phone, I was surely excited. I was even more excited when I heard that Verizion was buying out Alltel meaning I would have the ablitity to get one of these andriod devices. This was the age of the Android(for me).

I bought the Motorola Droid 1st generation. This was the most amazing piece of equiptment I had ever used. It was a computer, it was a phone, it was evertything i've ever seen in a movie, and it was all mine. I couldn't believe how fast and how "smart" this devices really was. After a while I didn't know what I would do without it. After about 2 years this phone started slowing down. There were plenty more new android devices on the market now and mine was getting jealous. I decided to give it a clean up. The great thing about android devices is that there are many updates to the software which can make the device new again. This worked for a while until there were a hardware jump. I then had to do something about my situation.

I purchased the Motorola Bionic which featured a duel-core processor, one of the fastest phones i've ever used. Also this device was 4g, a first of it's class. This phone worked great, more apps than I could handle, and then began to become alot slower...and slower...and then the 4g stopped working. Upon much research online, I couldn't find a specific reason to why this phone wasn't working. Lots of questions but not many answers. I finally called Verizon which in response said my sim card needed to be replaced. I recieved one in the mail and still my 4g didn't work. I finally found out how to switch my 4g to 3g and Viola! My phone was back up and running.

After using androids for the past 4 years now I decieded to make the switch. I bought an iPhone 4. Alright, alright, call me a hipster but this phone does everything I wanted, except faster and more smooth than any other device I've held. It's sleek form is designed to fit in your pocket. The biggest factor is this phone was made by artist for artist. That is simply it. The only problem is Apple isn't on it's best legs right now. Hopefully they will be able to figure out what brother Google is up to and keep competing. Google android devices are defintely amazing and if they could ever figure out how to make a phone as sleek and as smooth as a iPhone, they will win me back.

Apples to Oranges or Google for that matter, the direction that we are going in will be a great one. Hopefully Apple can hang in there and keep the competition alive once Google becomes on top. I've enjoyed both phones equally but right now my head is on my iPhone but my heart is still with my android.

Call of Madden: Modern Warfare 3(Game Review)

Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games bring us Modern Warfare 3 the most highly anticipated game of the year. The modern warfare series has taken us through the journey of middle-eastern conflicts, Russian interest, and now the war at home. The campaign is fought mostly on United States soil. Infinity Ward introduced a new game mode called Survival. Surivival features endless waves of enemies, similar to the zombies mode found on World at War. The Multiplayer mode is fast paced, detailed maps, and enough firepower to wake up any neighbors.

The Campaign follows soliders on the homefront as the invasion of the Russians has began. You follow Navy Seals through the waters of New York and Army Rangers through the streets to get to the stock exchange. The campian follows along with previous Modern Warfares story line to uncover more of the underlying evil that is occuring. Campaign brings us some old favorite weapons including the AK74u and M1911, and brings us new ones like FAD and G18.

Survival mode brings us a whole new challenge as you can play the same maps from multiplayer against the computer in waves. The difference between zombies and this new mode is that the enemies actually have a "brain." They will work together to hunt you down and kill you. Juggernauts, dogs, AH-6s, and much more work against you to make you die. How strong are you? Think you have what it takes? Try this mode out and hone in your skills for multiplayer mode.

Muiltiplayer made is still fast-paced and totally explosive. The online expierence is well done with vast updates that correct issues found by gamers. Most maps in this mode are fairly big leave room for close quarters battle, along with long hallways for sniping. Don't get to comfortable though, Many new killstreaks introduced by MW3 will show enamies on the map exposing their location. So sit tight and enjoy a rocket, or run and gun and spray and pray. This game mode has plenty of replay factor as you level up and try to Presitage. Better wear your Blast Shield because it's going to be a bumpy ride.

MW3 delievers evertything that the francise fans wanted. This is definetly a game to get for the avid FPS gamer. If you get tired of the maps there have been many maps delievered with map pack updates(which are free if you have Call of Duty Elite). So go get MW3 and start PWNING some NOOBS.

The Heir Apparent: Largo Winch (Movie Review)

Director Jerome Salle brings us this action-aventure staring Largo(Tomer Sisley) as he sets out to find the truth behind his recent father's death. Largo must face many fast-thinking senarios and vicious gun battles, while he sets out on the clues to his father's death and his own past. Ann(Kristin Scott Thomas) runs the company that is now owned by Largo since he was the only hier to his father Niero(Predrag Manojivic). Largo and Ann trek out to find the clues and help unwrap the history behind Largo and Niero and Niero's death. This action packed adventure will keep you on the edge of your seat untill the time runs out.

The movie is set in China in the 2000's. The movie was lit very well due to key lighting in some of the darker scenes. The shot list varied between action shots to show the intensity of the scene creating a hair raising expierence. You follow Largo from childhood to bring you into the character and understand how he acts. Largo didn't really do anything outside of just what a person would do if it were life and death. This makes the character believable and also connected with the viewer. The twist and turns that this movie takes you through the movie explaining events only as you need to know them.

This movie features alot of intricate story lines and will definelty keep you wanting more. The Heir Apparent: Largo Winch has a little bit of whatever one wants to see. Action, adventure, love, and hate, will make this movie a must for your collection.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mine craft (Game Review)

The famous PC game has finally come to Xbox live and the gamers rejoiced. Imagine Legos in a video game that allow you to build whatever you like by yourself or with your friends. Depending on whether you want to build in peace or build knowing the zombies are coming, this game will keep you busy for hours.

The gameplay is very simple. Use tools to gather materials and build what your heart desires. Using different real building elements like wood, stone, sand, and much more you can crate your castle or build a bridge to the sky. If the difficulty is set to easy or above, you'll be looking for cover as soon as it gets dark. Creepers, zombies, spiders, and much more will begin feasting as soon as the sun goes down. The best strategy will be to get to cover by building a "safe house" will keep those creepers from exploding inside your house and blowing it to kingdom come.

So if you have your inner child screaming at you for a little attention, pick up a controller and build away. This is a great game for adults and kids.

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Movie Process

What an interesting time we've had in this class. When I started I never understood the complexity of making just one movie. From having to kill of actors, replace them day of shooting, or even just trying to find the right file format that my program will use, it's been a very eye opening experience for me.

The editing process was probably the most difficult part for me. The more I seemed to be in it, the more it didn't want me working on it. Overall it was definitely my favorite part to do as we'll.

I look forward to my future movies and will keep trying as long as I have the ability.

Promethus (Movie Review)

Ridley Scott's Promethus didn't answer Alien's fans questions, but it did help piece together some of the puzzles that Ridley Scott's fans had. Promethus was artistically made and did a great job at just that. Many fans still have questions on what the future holds but for one thing is certain, there is definetly more to come.

Artistically the movie was shot beautifully, and created such a scene that only could be thought about in dreams. The special effects didn't disappoint us and made us feel like it were shot on location. You soon find out that the story has hidden agendas, and you have to pay attention to really keep up. This is one of the movies you have to watch over and over again to fully understand 85 percent of the movie.

This roller-coaster ride of emotions(and lack from the android David) will keep you on the edge of your seat until you finally start piecing the puzzle together. This movie is a must watch for all Ridley Scott fans and some alien fans, but just know you will not see any aliens.

Max Pain(Payne) 3 (Game Review)

Max Payne 3 delievered everything that the Max Payne series should. If you want Rambo style fast-paced action, a story that is more twisted than Jack's beanstalk, and a game harder than Stone Mountain, then Max Payne 3 is for you. Max Payne is one of the most exhilerating games to try and conquer. This game gives no remorse, but it makes you crave more and more.

Max this time is living in Brazil doing security work when the world seems to just come down on him. His American Dream life that he thought he would have is still not going his way. Max is still an arrogant drunk as he seems to kick ass while he's drinking, and never slows down. He is the defintion for the American Dream.

The gameplay is similar to the past Max Payne games with improved controls for taking cover and attacking enemies. The ability to duck and roll, or even just take cover helps the fun keep rolling. The bullet-time style mode makes some of the sticky sitiations doable. Without this mode, I'm not sure of the game would be beatable. The game delievers the hardest campaign ever made. Period.

If you are into Max Payne, kicking ass, and getting pissed, this is the game for you.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Borderlands 2 (Game Review)

Gearsoft has done it once again with creating a fun filled, action aventure RPG, by mixing a comic book with a fallout type open ended exploration. Borderlands 2 is a great game for single player and an even better one online. The co-op mode is done very well. Either if you want to play split screen, or play with a friend online, the game delievers everything you want and more.

BL2 contains a state of the art inventory generator which can create up to 10 million items throughout anyone's game. The idea is simply there are 50 levels for each character. The inventory generator has stats for each weapon, plus each level weapon. So the outcome is unbelievable. The game is remarkably beautiful even for a comic style game. The gameplay allows for exploration at your own pace, or follow the missions and find out the truth about Pandora(The planet in which the game is based). The enemies level up with your player and even grow stronger when friends join the match. This keeps the action non stop when you are playing online.

The quest mode lets you jump in and out of different players story lines with giving you the option to skip the missions you've previously played. This alows the gameplay to be fun as you keep building your character. For those players who complete all quest and want something more, the game allows you to change the game mode to True Vault Hunter Mode which lets you start the game over from the beginning, but lets you keep all the weapons and items you've collected along the way.

Borderlands 2 delievers everything that Borderlands fans wanted and more. BL2 is one of the best games out in 2012. If you miss the days of playing console co-op games, this is the game for you.

Call of Madden: Black Oops 2 (Game Review)

Activision's well anticipated Black Ops 2 has broken, once again, all records for most game copies sold, but does it live up to the hype? Many may disagree.
The reviews are in and we just aren't happen with what Activision is producing. Don't get me wrong, the games campaign is exciting, the zombies are faster, and the multiplayer has been revamped, but was it worth it?

After playing mulitple hours on each game mode I've noticed the game hasn't changed. The graphics are the same, the weapons are the same(just with new names), and the lag will not go away. The biggest downfall is not being able to play a match to full potential because of a lag between connections. The game has new aspects which have been created to keep the game fun, but it's hard to play when the connections are being matched with people across the ocean, or picking the worst host. Besides the lag, the spawn points are the worst since Black Ops. Every time you think you are about to get to the battle of the map, you are constently getting shot in the back and NO it's not because the enemy is just that good, it's because the lack of consideration from the game developers.

Oh, did I forget to mention Dupetown 2025? Not only did they use this map as a gimick to get customers to pre-order the game, they lied and said you could only recieve this map if you pre-ordered. Low and behold, every copy of BO2 recieved Nuketownn 2025. Okay so you're finally over the fact they duped everyone who bought the game, they then pull the map from rotation! So we paid for pre-order for a map, then they pull it from rotation within two weeks after release? I'm not sure what Activision is thinking but they need to learn from Apple. The first time you are confortable with your product being number one, you will always have big brother Google. Hopefully Activision will soon understand, or they might be in for a rude awakening.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Movie Review)

A mind altering expierence which features Joel (Jim Carrey) the main character who falls in love with Clemetine (Kate Winslet). Shortly after something has been changed and Joel is trying to get to the bottom of it. This movie created a dream world for the audience and puts you on the edge of your seat.

Overall the movie flips back and forth between past and present events which are hard to determine until all the clues sync up at the end of the movie. Joel met Clemetine one day while living life out of a whim, and falls in love with this mysterious girl. After time Joel tries to contact her and she's disappeared. You soon find out that Clemetine's mind has been erased from all memories relating to Joel. Joel is crushed and not sure how to handle it, so decides to do the same process.

The movie shows the journey of the company pin pointing all of the memories in the brain of Joel, and how Joel is inside his dreams trying to piece the puzzle together. He decides that he doesn't want to erase her, but its to late. Patrick (Elijah Wood) one of the employees conducting the mind erase, decides to steal all of Joel's memories and uses them to start dating Clemetine. By the end of the movie, you seem like you don't really know which point of time that the beginning of the movie actually started.

Overall the cinematography and the artistic look of this film is breathtaking as it creates the dream world. Jim Carry and Kate Winslet play a perfect roll in seeing the relationship and seeing the inside of their thoughts. I recommend this movie to any viewer of movies that make you think.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekly Recap 9/7

It's crazy to realize we've already been doing these assingments for 3 weeks. I'm still noticing slightly my media usage and how it is a huge part of my life. This weeks nursery rhyme assignment was a little harder than expected. I think the hardest part was just finding something to have a good idea out of. I wanted something that could be interpreted a little differently than what the rhyme might suggest. I guess well see how this one finishes!

Weekly Recap 8/31

This week was a learning expierence too. The visual lighting assignment didn't really show me much with lighting since I've previously worked with lighting before, but what it did do was open the way i forsee a "picture" or "scene" and how to shoot that location for what I'm looking at. Noticing which angles and what time of day they should be shot at. I'm hoping the next one will be a better experience.

Breaking Bad Season 5 "Gliding Over All"

The scene opens up with the disposal of Mike's body. Walt and Todd are busy with the cleanup when the garage door opens and in comes Jessie. Jessie starts asking and making sure him and Mike are out of it completely and Walter assures him that Mike is gone. Throughout the episode Walt is trying to plan something to get rid of 8 guys in jail. He finally listens to Todd who's uncle has huge pull in the jail system. He arranges a hit to take place at the jail which in turn kills all of the loose strings. With these guys out of the way, there is no one else that could tie Walt to the blue meth. Walt stops by Jessie's place to check in and leave his share of the money. On his way home he stops by the doctor, which doesn't show anything in stone, but forshadows that his cancer may be back. Skyler Walter's wife has a meeting with Walt and shows him the money they've been making, and what they have that she can't launder through thier car wash buisness. They have a discussion on how much they will ever need and after this Walt tells Skyler he's done forever. The end of the episode ends with the whole family( mother, son, daugther, sister in law, and brother in law) sitting outside by the pool for a dinner. Hank needs to use the bathroom and goes in. While using the bathroom Hank uncovers a book deticated to W.W. from Gail B. This shows Hank the clues that he's been missing all along.

The episode had a huge climax after Mike was already dead and Walter agreed to stop cooking. Everyone was looking healthy and back to normal untill Hank discovered the book. Hank has sings of confusion, but also anger which we won't find out till next season.

Breaking Bad Season 5 "Say My Name"

The scene opens as Walter (Bryan Cranston), Mike ( ), and Jessie (Aaron Paul) are having a meeting with another local druglord. The druglord begins questioning who Walter was. The alias Hizenberg surfaces as the questioning gets deeper and they demand who Walter is. They agree to terms and the meeting is adjourned.
Walter isn't giving up on his ability to cook since he knows he's the best,but with Jessie and Mike leaving it's putting Walt in a bind. Walt is trying to do everything in his power to keep his buisness up in running condition. Word gets out that Mike is going to get arrested and Walt lets Mike know by a phone call which in return Mike heads out getting rid of all his weapons and only keeping a "Go Bag" in a car at the airport. At the end of the episode Mike meets Walt at a secure location to talk. Walt wants Mike to release the names of the 8 guys who are in jail that are linked to the production of his "blue meth." Mike doesn't agree to give those names and as Mike drives off, Walt walks up to the car and shoots Mike. The car veers out of control and then wrecks. Mike is found on the hillside staring at the horizon. Walt asks him again if he would help, and Mike replys,"Let me die in peace Walter." Walt's character is starting to realize that things are going downhill quickly even though he is going out of his way to try and keep them going. Now with Mike out of the picture he can just find someone else to do his job.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Media Survey

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: 10hours
Breaking Bad: 1 hour
Reddit: 2 hours
Facebook: 1hour
music: 3 hours
Ring life: 30min

This is the sum of all media collected this week for me. This shows i'm definitely a media user. My most used form would be video games followed by music and Reddit.

I trust the media I use because it's an open website were people can post anything no matter restrictions. Most of the time there are links to the source of the information.

I definitely enjoy music and video games the most because i've been playing video games my whole life, and music has been a part of my life since 4th grade.

I enjoy what I like now and i'm not sure if I would want to change my media usage since I use now what I enjoy.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Breaking Bad Season 5 "Buyout"

Vince Gilligan's "Breaking Bad" has been breaking headlines since the first episode aired on AMC in 2008. Father and Chemist Walter White(Bryan Cranston) has been pushing the envelope in underground methamphetamine production, just as hard as his cancer has been pushing him to his death. Right hand man Jessie Pinkman(Aaron Paul) keeps the suspense flowing during the season creating a "father-son" relationship between the two. This dynamic duo is on a path of destruction stopping for no one, not even the DEA who Walt's brother-in-law Hank(Dean Norris) works for.

The opening scene is suddenly overtaken by a morbid atmosphere. Walt, Jessie, Mike(Johnathon Banks) and another henchman are unloading what seems to be a dump truck which is hiding the equipment used in the last heist. As they finish unloading, a dirt bike and then a young boys hand are seen popping out of the sand. The child was dead by a gunshot wound to the chest done by the henchmen. Walt, Jessie, and Mike did not agree with the killing of an innocent child(since Walt, Jessie, and Mike all have children) and then decide what the fate will be for the henchman. They decide to keep him, and let that be a warning. Later in the episode, Mike is shown at the park with his granddaughter as he's being watched from a distance by the DEA. Mike notices the tail and decides to leave a note saying,"Fuck You" for the DEA officer who picks up the note. Mike then decides to announce to Walt and Jessie that he is being followed. Walt is upset with Mike for not telling him in advance, as the DEA is a potential problem. Mike and Jessie then preceded to tell Walter that they are done being partners and are going to buyout and stop.Walter is not happy with this decision since they were going to sell their ingredients to another source. Walter then gets a plan to steal all of the Methylene. The episode ends with Mike's gun to Walters head and Walter is telling them that he will pay them both the same price for the buyout, and he will keep all the product.

Each character is under a high level of stress right now because the DEA is hot on the trail. Walter still is planning something bigger while not letting Mike or Jessie know. Jessie is distraught from the child's death lasts episode and is tired of dealing with criminals. Mike is on the edge because he doesn't want his granddaughter without financial backing and the DEA wont leave him alone.

The morbid opening music set the scene with the death of a child. The death wasn't right, but they still had to cover their tracks and the music showed the sadness and the sorrow they all portrayed. The cinematography is some of the best hands down, and the lighting has been more Noire than usual. This is building up for a great finish.

With the DEA hot on Walt, Mike, and Jessie case, the final two episodes are coming and we will not know what is in store. We know the "time bomb" know as Walter will soon come to an abrupt end.


Started this whole blogger thing and I have to say this is going to be an interesting experience. I'm going to have way to much fun in the class and by the end of it, hopefully have a short film that I participated in. So far so good, I guess we'll see what we have in store! I'm excited to see what my fellow classmates ideas will consist of. We have a wide range of majors in my class which in return could culminate into something outrageous, or potentially horrible. :) We will see, because only time will tell!