Sunday, December 2, 2012

Class Review

It's been a long semester full of new experiences in movie production and producing. Learning the basic steps from coming up with an idea, putting it on paper, and then to the camera. This class has shown me all the steps I needed to take to ever consider making a movie.

The hardest part to me was the actual filming. Filming was the most difficult because when it came down to actually filming, many things wouild go either wrong or we wouldn't have enough time to get what we needed. As far as actually clicking the record button, this was fun and I loved seeing the actors through the lens of a camera.

My favorite part though would have to be editing. Editing is very time consuming and can keep you at it for hours with no sleep, no food, and a mind that is racing through the best imagination that you could ever have. Having time to edit is also a headache but to me wasn't bad if it were just me editing.

Working with my groups, once I had one, was very fun and we worked well together. The second group I was apart of worked well together as well, even though we had many different schedules including, weddings, school, work, and theater plays. We were still able to sit down and discuss everything we needed for this to work.

My favorite film to work on was definetly "Na Luz Do Luar", simply because we had the pre-production finished before we began filming. Having everything in place sped things up once it came to filming and editing. We learned alot from the first movie "3 Blind Mice" and we tired to incorperate it as we moved on.

I'm excited to see what I will take away from this class as I persue new ideas and movies in the future. The training from this class has shaped me into a better fim producer, film director, and photography director. This is something I could see myself doing for a while.

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