Sunday, December 2, 2012

iPhones vs. Androids

It hasn't been a long time that we have had smart phones circulating through our cultures. Smart phones were almost only used by buisnesses to help keep their employees on top of what needed to be done. With the upcoming iPhones and Androids, life almost seems non-existant to us without one, but why? These devices are made to simplify our lives and keep memory of task and things we need to do. Which is better for you though?

For the past eleven years I've had a cell phone and constantly used it. Back then there wasn't things like Facebook or social media. All I had was a phone that could sometimes get signal and handheld calculator. Oh did I forget to mention the never ending Snake game? This is what I remember cell phones being like. I've always wanted the newest technology so when the camera phones came out, I had to have one. Then the first touch phone. I knew I had to have that as well. As time progressed I got more and more used to using my phone for all the abilities it could handle. I fell in love with the new era, Smart Phones.

Okay, okay, smart phones used to be blackberrys and windows phones. These phones helped most buisnesses afloat by keeping their employees together. Long after this the iPhone was born. iPhone was sleak, sharp, and only available on AT&T. As for many of you in rual or not so big cities, AT&T was not an option. We were stuck with All-Hell(Alltel). When google announced that they were releasing a phone, I was surely excited. I was even more excited when I heard that Verizion was buying out Alltel meaning I would have the ablitity to get one of these andriod devices. This was the age of the Android(for me).

I bought the Motorola Droid 1st generation. This was the most amazing piece of equiptment I had ever used. It was a computer, it was a phone, it was evertything i've ever seen in a movie, and it was all mine. I couldn't believe how fast and how "smart" this devices really was. After a while I didn't know what I would do without it. After about 2 years this phone started slowing down. There were plenty more new android devices on the market now and mine was getting jealous. I decided to give it a clean up. The great thing about android devices is that there are many updates to the software which can make the device new again. This worked for a while until there were a hardware jump. I then had to do something about my situation.

I purchased the Motorola Bionic which featured a duel-core processor, one of the fastest phones i've ever used. Also this device was 4g, a first of it's class. This phone worked great, more apps than I could handle, and then began to become alot slower...and slower...and then the 4g stopped working. Upon much research online, I couldn't find a specific reason to why this phone wasn't working. Lots of questions but not many answers. I finally called Verizon which in response said my sim card needed to be replaced. I recieved one in the mail and still my 4g didn't work. I finally found out how to switch my 4g to 3g and Viola! My phone was back up and running.

After using androids for the past 4 years now I decieded to make the switch. I bought an iPhone 4. Alright, alright, call me a hipster but this phone does everything I wanted, except faster and more smooth than any other device I've held. It's sleek form is designed to fit in your pocket. The biggest factor is this phone was made by artist for artist. That is simply it. The only problem is Apple isn't on it's best legs right now. Hopefully they will be able to figure out what brother Google is up to and keep competing. Google android devices are defintely amazing and if they could ever figure out how to make a phone as sleek and as smooth as a iPhone, they will win me back.

Apples to Oranges or Google for that matter, the direction that we are going in will be a great one. Hopefully Apple can hang in there and keep the competition alive once Google becomes on top. I've enjoyed both phones equally but right now my head is on my iPhone but my heart is still with my android.

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