Thursday, November 29, 2012

Call of Madden: Black Oops 2 (Game Review)

Activision's well anticipated Black Ops 2 has broken, once again, all records for most game copies sold, but does it live up to the hype? Many may disagree.
The reviews are in and we just aren't happen with what Activision is producing. Don't get me wrong, the games campaign is exciting, the zombies are faster, and the multiplayer has been revamped, but was it worth it?

After playing mulitple hours on each game mode I've noticed the game hasn't changed. The graphics are the same, the weapons are the same(just with new names), and the lag will not go away. The biggest downfall is not being able to play a match to full potential because of a lag between connections. The game has new aspects which have been created to keep the game fun, but it's hard to play when the connections are being matched with people across the ocean, or picking the worst host. Besides the lag, the spawn points are the worst since Black Ops. Every time you think you are about to get to the battle of the map, you are constently getting shot in the back and NO it's not because the enemy is just that good, it's because the lack of consideration from the game developers.

Oh, did I forget to mention Dupetown 2025? Not only did they use this map as a gimick to get customers to pre-order the game, they lied and said you could only recieve this map if you pre-ordered. Low and behold, every copy of BO2 recieved Nuketownn 2025. Okay so you're finally over the fact they duped everyone who bought the game, they then pull the map from rotation! So we paid for pre-order for a map, then they pull it from rotation within two weeks after release? I'm not sure what Activision is thinking but they need to learn from Apple. The first time you are confortable with your product being number one, you will always have big brother Google. Hopefully Activision will soon understand, or they might be in for a rude awakening.

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