Friday, September 21, 2012

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Movie Review)

A mind altering expierence which features Joel (Jim Carrey) the main character who falls in love with Clemetine (Kate Winslet). Shortly after something has been changed and Joel is trying to get to the bottom of it. This movie created a dream world for the audience and puts you on the edge of your seat.

Overall the movie flips back and forth between past and present events which are hard to determine until all the clues sync up at the end of the movie. Joel met Clemetine one day while living life out of a whim, and falls in love with this mysterious girl. After time Joel tries to contact her and she's disappeared. You soon find out that Clemetine's mind has been erased from all memories relating to Joel. Joel is crushed and not sure how to handle it, so decides to do the same process.

The movie shows the journey of the company pin pointing all of the memories in the brain of Joel, and how Joel is inside his dreams trying to piece the puzzle together. He decides that he doesn't want to erase her, but its to late. Patrick (Elijah Wood) one of the employees conducting the mind erase, decides to steal all of Joel's memories and uses them to start dating Clemetine. By the end of the movie, you seem like you don't really know which point of time that the beginning of the movie actually started.

Overall the cinematography and the artistic look of this film is breathtaking as it creates the dream world. Jim Carry and Kate Winslet play a perfect roll in seeing the relationship and seeing the inside of their thoughts. I recommend this movie to any viewer of movies that make you think.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Weekly Recap 9/7

It's crazy to realize we've already been doing these assingments for 3 weeks. I'm still noticing slightly my media usage and how it is a huge part of my life. This weeks nursery rhyme assignment was a little harder than expected. I think the hardest part was just finding something to have a good idea out of. I wanted something that could be interpreted a little differently than what the rhyme might suggest. I guess well see how this one finishes!

Weekly Recap 8/31

This week was a learning expierence too. The visual lighting assignment didn't really show me much with lighting since I've previously worked with lighting before, but what it did do was open the way i forsee a "picture" or "scene" and how to shoot that location for what I'm looking at. Noticing which angles and what time of day they should be shot at. I'm hoping the next one will be a better experience.

Breaking Bad Season 5 "Gliding Over All"

The scene opens up with the disposal of Mike's body. Walt and Todd are busy with the cleanup when the garage door opens and in comes Jessie. Jessie starts asking and making sure him and Mike are out of it completely and Walter assures him that Mike is gone. Throughout the episode Walt is trying to plan something to get rid of 8 guys in jail. He finally listens to Todd who's uncle has huge pull in the jail system. He arranges a hit to take place at the jail which in turn kills all of the loose strings. With these guys out of the way, there is no one else that could tie Walt to the blue meth. Walt stops by Jessie's place to check in and leave his share of the money. On his way home he stops by the doctor, which doesn't show anything in stone, but forshadows that his cancer may be back. Skyler Walter's wife has a meeting with Walt and shows him the money they've been making, and what they have that she can't launder through thier car wash buisness. They have a discussion on how much they will ever need and after this Walt tells Skyler he's done forever. The end of the episode ends with the whole family( mother, son, daugther, sister in law, and brother in law) sitting outside by the pool for a dinner. Hank needs to use the bathroom and goes in. While using the bathroom Hank uncovers a book deticated to W.W. from Gail B. This shows Hank the clues that he's been missing all along.

The episode had a huge climax after Mike was already dead and Walter agreed to stop cooking. Everyone was looking healthy and back to normal untill Hank discovered the book. Hank has sings of confusion, but also anger which we won't find out till next season.

Breaking Bad Season 5 "Say My Name"

The scene opens as Walter (Bryan Cranston), Mike ( ), and Jessie (Aaron Paul) are having a meeting with another local druglord. The druglord begins questioning who Walter was. The alias Hizenberg surfaces as the questioning gets deeper and they demand who Walter is. They agree to terms and the meeting is adjourned.
Walter isn't giving up on his ability to cook since he knows he's the best,but with Jessie and Mike leaving it's putting Walt in a bind. Walt is trying to do everything in his power to keep his buisness up in running condition. Word gets out that Mike is going to get arrested and Walt lets Mike know by a phone call which in return Mike heads out getting rid of all his weapons and only keeping a "Go Bag" in a car at the airport. At the end of the episode Mike meets Walt at a secure location to talk. Walt wants Mike to release the names of the 8 guys who are in jail that are linked to the production of his "blue meth." Mike doesn't agree to give those names and as Mike drives off, Walt walks up to the car and shoots Mike. The car veers out of control and then wrecks. Mike is found on the hillside staring at the horizon. Walt asks him again if he would help, and Mike replys,"Let me die in peace Walter." Walt's character is starting to realize that things are going downhill quickly even though he is going out of his way to try and keep them going. Now with Mike out of the picture he can just find someone else to do his job.